Dev’s Adventure Ghost town is a remote resort development. A ghost town in the offseason while also a bazaar or carnival on the on season. Part adventure resort, part retail environment and part condo or part timeshare. An agricultural property or mining claim under a single or subdivided. Dev’s Adventure Ghost town is ideally located by a private airstrip under the same ownership.
The fallowing designs were developed using DA Rail Cars Type 200 rail cars.
ghost Town
This format reconstructs the romanticized notion of the wild west as seen on TV.
Retail Space
These retails spaces consisted of conventional shipping containers with a light wood facad infill.
Ghost Town
Dev’s Adventure Ghost Town could include a hotel and restaurant in the center of the block. Shops consisted of conventional shipping containers with a light wood facad infill the majority of the town. Mix use workforce housing building holds small shops and apartments. A meeting house frames the street.
Retail Lure
The ghost town would hold limited production merchandise. This limited production merchandise would draw patrons. The adventure to access the merchandise in a remote sublime location would add emotional value of the merchandise. The adventure associated with accessing the merchandise would be the primary source of revenue. Including but not limited to, transportation, adventure guiding, restaurants and lodging.
the ghost town More like a comedies bank then a retail environment. A large quantity of merchandise could sore safely and securely. The merchandise owner would not be incentivized to liquidate the comedies quickly because of the low cost of overhead. The ghost town revenue could be generated from the adventure products, lodging and amenities with the retail products acting primary as a marketing lure.
historic context
Rail cars are a traditional construction method for western town. In the late 18th century, the rail cars would be imported with materials. Then the containers would be stacked perpendicular to the main street. Finally an ornamental face would be applied to the street side facade.
Similar advantages are reverent to our contemporary market. Existing graded mining sights can be rapidly developed with minimal site work. The modulars can be brought to the site containing the building components.